This impressive, pseudo-Gothic church with it neoclassical façade sits aside the ruins of the medieval Dominican monastery in Vene street in Old Town.
In fact, it is built on the foundation of what was once the monastery's refectory. When St. Catherine's monastery was closed after Reformation in 1524, the refectory was given to the town school. The local Roman Catholic parish obtained the rooms in 1799 and built the church between 1841 and 44. The church's neoclassical façade and two low, stumpy towers (architects E. Jacoby and F. de Vries) were added in 1924.
This beautiful cathedral host Holy Father Pope Francis in 2018 and is active church for Estonian catholics and for international students and quests.
Peeter-Pauli kogudus
IBAN: EE022200001120059545
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Katoliku Kirik Eestis
Tallinna Piiskopkond
Vene 18
10123 Tallinn
Kantselei tel 6446367
Eesti Apostellik Administratuur
Pärnu Püha Apostel Johannese kogudus
Tartu Neitsi Maarja Pärispatuta saamise kogudus
Ukraina Kreeka-Katoliku Kirik Eestis
Pirita klooster
Püha Siena Katariina Klooster Tallinnas
Preestriseminar Redemptoris Mater
Opus Dei Eestis
Caritas Eesti
Tartu Katoliku Hariduskeskus