Read more ...Dear brothers and sisters!

According to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Estonia, public worship services and other high-attendance church services are prohibited from 3.03.2021-28.03.2021. The Scientific Council, which advises the Government, found that in the current situation of the pandemic, it is necessary to have strong restrictions.

I am very sorry about that, and I apologize for not being allowed to hold a public Mass after March 3rd.

We are all aware of the seriousness of the pandemic situation, and appreciate the government's will to protect the Estonian population, especially the weakest among us. However, based on last year's experience, I also understand all those who are now asking whether such radical restrictions on churches are not disproportionate and if they are useful.

We pray that this difficult time will end as soon as possible, and I ask you in particular to support the following negotiations between churches and government so that together we can find good solutions that protect the physical health of the people and allow us to live our religious life normally. We must pray for this, because everything on earth can change quickly, as the pandemic has taught us.

In this situation, we try to deepen the prayer life with all our heart. We have a Lent time. If God allows difficulties, the grace He gives us will be more greater. Let us receive the Sacrament of Confession and the Sacrament of Holy Communion as often as possible. And, let us thank the Lord that we can receive His Body and wash ourselves in His Blood from all our sins.

We can also visit the Lord in our churches and pray before the Blessed Sacrament. For a Catholic, the Church is never an empty space, but there is always a "Master" waiting for us—Jesus Christ in the tabernacle.

And, in fact, in this difficult time, our unity may grow, which is unity in Christ and unity with the Church.

I also encourage you to follow the Masses that we broadcast online. Whenever possible, at the same time as the Mass is celebrated in the Church, because these transmissions help us to join the soul in the Sacrifice of Christ that the priest brings before our eyes. It is also possible for all of us to actively participate in events (lectures, retreats, catechesis…) organized by the Apostolic Administration of Estonia or in our Catholic parishes in Estonia, even if they take place virtually.

In this way, we help ourselves and help other members of the Catholic church. We will win a pandemic not only if we stay healthy, but if the pandemic does not cause us a disease that is a real disease of the soul.

Finally, dear brothers and sisters, I ask you to make small sacrifices to end the current pandemic. We have Lent, and let us persevere in prayer. Let us then persevere in prayer!


+ Bishop Philippe Jourdan

Apostolic Administrator of Estonia



Among the restrictions approved on Friday, the government decided to close churches for public services from 3 March 2021. Please look updates, online services in church and additional info, on Monday, 1 March from Catholic website!

“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem” (Mt 20:18)
Lent: a Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Jesus revealed to his disciples the deepest meaning of his mission when he told them of his passion, death and resurrection, in fulfilment of the Father’s will. He then called the disciples to share in this mission for the salvation of the world.

We invite all Catholics to pray the Holy Rosary on Thursday, February 11 World Prayer Day for the Sick. Let us ask for the intercession of Our Lady so that God will protect us from diseases and free us from the current pandemia.

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